Corporate Partners Program
Small and Large Groups

Small and Large Groups

How Do You Handle Medicare as it Relates to Group Insurance?
Many of your employees are turning 65, or they may have Medicare-eligible family members or Special Needs children. In any case, they need help understanding their options when moving from their H.S.A. plans to COBRA and Medicare. Your Senior Advocate provides education and guidance to employees looking at options for themselves or members of their household.

Your health insurance broker handles the medical insurance, but who is handling your Medicare eligible? Today, many Medicare-eligible employees remaining in the workforce continue on their employer coverage despite having access to other options. YSA is equipped to handle Medicare eligibility for your accounts.

If your employees have questions they aren’t comfortable bringing to HR, either about themselves or their Medicare-eligible family members, we can help. We will scrub your census and build an inclusive education program for all of your employees to participate.

We will help your employees find the best possible health care package and save money!

There are a lot of moving parts to Medicare, so we simplify the process and take your employees though our client journey roadmap to figure out what is in their best interest.

Our partners can subscribe to our service and receive a 3rd party educational platform for your employees. As the #1 expert in this industry, we’re excited to help them get started on their Medicare journey!

Our subscription service can be purchased through Your Senior Advocate.

Click the button below to schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation!

900 Haddon Avenue
Colls Suites 300-8
Collingswood, NJ 08108

(856) 209-4428


9 AM - 5 PM
except holidays

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